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From its beginnings to this remarkably fresh and current new edition, Myers and DeWall's Psychology has found extraordinarily effective ways to involve students with the remarkable research underlying our understanding of human behavior. But while the content and learning support evolves edition after edition, the text itself continues to be shaped by basic goals David Myers established at the outset, including to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present a multicultural perspective on psychology, so students can see themselves in the context of a wider world.
This new edition offers 2100 research citations dated 2015-2020, making these the most up-to-date introductory psychology course resources available. With so many exciting new findings, and every chapter updated with current new examples and ideas, students will see the importance and value of psychological research, and how psychology can help them make sense of the world around them.
LaunchPadHelp students get better results.Built around the most common issues faced in the classroom, LaunchPad gives students a complete e-book with all interactive features including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. For instructors, LaunchPad offers everything they need to quickly set up a course, customize a syllabus,create presentations and lectures, assign and assess activities, and guide the progress of individual students and the class as a whole.
With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers' scientific articles have appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and the American Psychologist. In addition to his scholarly writing and his textbooks for introductory and social psychology, he also digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today's Education to Scientific American. He has authored five general audience books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. And he blogs about psychology and life at TalkPsych.com.
The first, and some would say the greatest, achievement of your own\"Western\" culture was the conceiving of two ideals of conduct, both essentialto the spirit's well-being. Socrates, delighting in the truth for its own sakeand not merely for practical ends, glorified unbiased thinking, honesty of mindand speech. Jesus, delighting in the actual human persons around him, and inthat flavour of divinity which, for him, pervaded the world, stood forunselfish love of neighbours and of God. Socrates woke to the ideal ofdispassionate intelligence, Jesus to the ideal of passionate yet self-obliviousworship. Socrates urged intellectual integrity, Jesus integrity of will. Each,of course, though starting with a different emphasis, involved the other.
Subsequently it was Germany that spoke for Europe. And Germany was tooserious an economic rival for America to be open to her influence. MoreoverGerman criticism, though often emphatic, was too heavily pedantic, too littleironical, to pierce the hide of American complacency. Thus it was that Americasank further and further into Americanism. Vast wealth and industry, and alsobrilliant invention, were concentrated upon puerile ends. In particular thewhole of American life was organized around the cult of the powerfulindividual, that phantom ideal which Europe herself had only begun to outgrowin her last phase. Those Americans who wholly failed to realize this ideal, whoremained at the bottom of the social ladder, either consoled themselves withhopes for the future, or stole symbolical satisfaction by identifyingthemselves with some popular star, or gloated upon their American citizenship,and applauded the arrogant foreign policy of their government. Those whoachieved power were satisfied so long as they could merely retain it, andadvertise it uncritically in the conventionally self-assertive manners.
But in truth this culture, which the common people so venerated in theirsuperiors and mimicked in their own lives, was scarcely less superficial thanthe cult of power against which it was pitted. For it was almost wholly a cultof social rectitude and textual learning; not so much of the merely literarylearning which had obsessed ancient China, as of the vast corpus ofcontemporary scientific dogma, and above all of pure mathematics. In old daysthe candidate for office had to show minute but uncritical knowledge ofclassical writers; now he had to give proof of a no less barren agility indescribing the established formula of physics, biology, psychology, and moreparticularly of economics and social theory. And though never encouraged topuzzle over the philosophical basis of mathematics, he was expected to befamiliar with the intricacy of at least one branch of that vast game of skill.So great was the mass of information forced upon the student, that he had notime to think of the mutual implications of the various branches of hisknowledge.
Even at the close of the First Dark Age, the ruins of the ancientresidential pylons still characterized every landscape, often with an effect ofsenile domination over the hovels of latter-day savages. For the living racesdwelt beneath these relics like puny grandchildren playing around the feet oftheir fathers' once mightier fathers. So well had the past built, and with suchdurable material, that even after a hundred millennia the ruins were stillrecognizably artifacts. Though for the most part they were of course by nowlittle more than pyramids of debris overgrown with grass and brushwood, most ofthem retained some stretch of standing wall, and here and there a favouredspecimen still reared from its rubble-encumbered base a hundred foot or so ofcliff, punctured with windows. Fantastic legends now clustered round theserelics. In one myth the men of old had made for themselves huge palaces whichcould fly. For a thousand years (an aeon to these savages) men had dwelt inunity, and in reverence of the gods; but at last they had become puffed up withtheir own glory, and had undertaken to fly to the sun and moon and the field ofstars, to oust the gods from their bright home. But the gods sowed discordamong them, so that they fell a-fighting one another in the upper air, andtheir swift palaces crashed down to the earth in thousands, to be monuments ofman's folly for ever after. In yet another saga it was the men themselves whowere winged. They inhabited dovecotes of masonry, with summits overtopping thestars and outraging the gods; who therefore destroyed them. Thus in one form oranother, this theme of the downfall of the mighty fliers of old tyrannized overthese abject peoples. Their crude tillage, their hunting, their defence againstthe reviving carnivora, were hampered at every turn by fear of offending thegods by any innovation.
This placid condition lasted for some four hundred years after the firstcentury of industrialism. But as time passed the mental difference between thetwo classes increased. Superior intelligence became rarer and rarer among theproletariat; the governors were recruited more and more from their ownoffspring, until finally they became an hereditary caste. The gulf widened. Thegovernors began to lose all mental contact with the governed. They made amistake which could never have been committed had their psychology kept pacewith their other sciences. Ever confronted with the workers' lack ofintelligence, they came to treat them more and more as children, and forgotthat, though simple, they were grown men and women who needed to feelthemselves as free partners in a great human enterprise. Formerly this illusionof responsibility had been sedulously encouraged. But as the gulf widened theproletarians were treated rather as infants than as adolescents, rather aswell-cared-for domestic animals than as human beings. Their lives became moreand more minutely, though benevolently, systematized for them. At the same timeless care was taken to educate them up to an understanding and appreciation ofthe common human enterprise. Under these circumstances the temper of the peoplechanged. Though their material condition was better than had ever been knownbefore, save under the First World State, they became listless, discontented,mischievous, ungrateful to their superiors.
A year after the explosion, the ship was labouring in tempestuous andberg-strewn water near the Pole. The bewildered little company now began tofeel its way south; but, as they proceeded, the air became more fiercely hotand pungent, the storms more savage. Another twelve months were spent inbeating about the Polar sea, ever and again retreating north from theimpossible southern weather. But at length conditions improved slightly, andwith great difficulty these few survivors of the human race approached theiroriginal objective in Norway, to find that the lowlands were a scorched andlifeless desert, while on the heights the valley vegetation was alreadystruggling to establish itself, in patches of sickly green. Their base town hadbeen flattened by a hurricane, and the skeletons of its population still lay inthe streets. They coasted further south. Everywhere the same desolation. Hopingthat the disturbance might be merely local, they headed round the British Islesand doubled back on France. But France turned out to be an appalling chaos ofvolcanoes. With a change of wind, the sea around them was infuriated withfalling debris, often red hot. Miraculously they got away and fled north again.After creeping along the Siberian coast they were at last able to find atolerable resting-place at the mouth of one of the great rivers. The ship wasbrought to anchor, and the crew rested. They were a diminished company, for sixmen and two women had been lost on the voyage.